How to Keep Your Apartment Warm and Cozy During Winter

It’s not easy to stay warm in your apartment during the winter. Not only can your apartment be your sanctuary, but it can also become your personal freezer when temperatures drop outside. Luckily, there are several things you can do to keep your apartment warm and cozy, even on the coldest days.

How to Keep Your Apartment Warm This Winter

The first step is to identify the source of the cold air in your apartment. Are there any drafty windows or doors? If so, seal them up with caulk or weatherstripping. You can also use draft stoppers or snake-shaped insulation strips to block cold air at the bottom of exterior doors.

Plug Up the Door Cracks

A lot of the cold air can find its way into your apartment through your front door. If your door has any cracks or gaps around it, you should try to seal them up. Weatherstripping is a great way to seal these gaps, and it’s easy to install yourself.

Another trick to keeping the cold out is to install a door sweep. This is a brush-like strip that attaches to the bottom of your door, creating a barrier between the door and the floor. Door sweeps are inexpensive and can be found at most hardware stores.

Curtain It Up

When the sun is out and the weather is warm during the day, be sure to open your curtains and let the sunlight in. This will help to heat up your apartment naturally. But when the sun goes down and the weather turns cold, be sure to close all your curtains to trap the heat inside.

Curtains can make a big difference in how warm your apartment feels. Heavy, lined curtains are the best choice because they do the best job of blocking out the cold air. If you don’t have lined curtains, you can try using a thick blanket or quilt to cover your windows at night.

Use Rugs

If your apartment has hardwood floors or tile, you may want to consider getting some rugs. Rugs can help to insulate your floors and make your apartment feel warmer. Choose rugs that are made from thick materials, such as wool or shag.

Avoid putting too much furniture on top of your rugs, though. If you cover up too much of the rug, it won’t be able to trap as much heat.

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Cover Cold Surfaces

If you have any cold surfaces in your apartment, such as metal or glass furniture, you can try covering them up with blankets, throws, or other soft materials.

This will help to trap the cold air and make your apartment feel warmer. You can also use a heat insulator underneath your bed to keep the cold from seeping in.

Use a Fireplace

If you have a fireplace in your apartment, use it! A fire will help to warm up your entire apartment, and it can also create a cozy, inviting atmosphere on those cold winter evenings.

If you don’t have a fireplace, you can still create a faux fireplace and use tea lights to add some warmth to your apartment.

Other Tips

Here are a few more things you can do to keep your apartment warm and cozy during the winter:

  • Wear warm clothes, even inside.
  • Use a heated blanket on the couch while watching TV or relaxing.
  • Cook meals that are warm and hearty.
  • Drink plenty of hot liquids.

If you’re still having trouble keeping your apartment warm, you may want to talk to your landlord or property manager. They may be able to help you identify the source of the cold air and find a solution.

With some planning and effort, you can keep your apartment warm and cozy all winter long.


  1. What is the best way to keep my apartment warm?
  2. The best way to keep your apartment warm is to seal up any drafty areas, use rugs to insulate your floors, cover up cold surfaces, and use a fireplace or other heating source.

  3. What are some things I can do to make my apartment warmer without using a lot of energy?
  4. You can make your apartment warmer without using a lot of energy by wearing warm clothes, using a heated blanket, cooking warm meals, and drinking plenty of hot liquids.

  5. What should I do if my apartment is still too cold?
  6. If your apartment is still too cold, you may want to talk to your landlord or property manager. They may be able to help you identify the source of the cold air and find a solution.

How To Keep Apartment Warm


If you’re looking for ways to keep your apartment warm during winter, there are many things you can do. From sealing up drafty areas to using rugs and curtains to create insulation, there are many simple and effective ways to make your apartment more comfortable during the cold winter months.

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